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The Create Application Server wizard is for creating all the different types and versions of application servers that are available on IBM i. This includes the WebSphere Application Server and the Integrated Web Application Server. The Version panel displays all the different types and versions of application servers that have been installed on this system. All the different version of WebSphere Application Server will show along with the IAS server version. Select the IAS server radio button, this will be the top most link in the right work area pane.Once you have selected the type of serve to create, you are prompted for the name and description for this server. The name of the server must be any alphanumeric value that is unique for this server type. A name is defaulted for you, but it is often best to specify a meaningful name to help identify this server later. Specifying a meaningful description can also help identify this sever.
Specify the ports that you want the server to use, or accept the ports recommended by the wizard and click the Next button to continue. The port specified is the first port in the range. The wizard will make use of the next 10 ports following the specified port.
An application server uses several ports during its processing. The server listens on one port for requests that it is to process, other ports are used for communication within the server. The Create Application Server wizard recommends a range of ports that are free. Ensuring the ports in the range are free is very important.
The front door to the application server is the IBM HTTP Server (powered by Apache). Basically you provide users from the outside world to only access the HTTP Server thru your firewall. The HTTP server is created for several reasons. It provides an additional level of protection between your system and the Web. If you have concerns about the security for your application, you can easily configure the HTTP server to only accept requests on SSL. The HTTP sever is also used to easily stop and start the servers. The 2 servers are tied together. This allows you to use the IBM Integrated Web Application Server for i SRTCPSVR and ENDTCPSVR commands to start and stop both of these servers together.
Tip: Make the port 80 if this is going to be your primary Web Server for hosting your website !
The next panel is a where you specify the user profile for this IAS server to run with. The default profile for the IAS server is QLWISVR. This user profile has no special authority. If you wish to specify your own user profile, select the Specify an existing user ID option. If the user ID you are currently signed into the GUI with has *SECADM special authority, the Create new User ID option will be available. This option will create a new user profile with the specified name for use by this IAS server. This new user ID is created with *USER special authority.
Next it will inform you that it will install a sample application that will help you test the server is running and accessible.
Click next and you will get the Summary screen for review.
Click Finish to start the process of creating the IAS server. This process will run in the background. Your browser will be directed to the Manage server page. The IAS server will remain in the Creating status until the process complete. For an IAS server this is normally a very quick process. Once the server is created, it will automatically start.
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