RPGLE %time() cheat sheet - Current Time and Time format conversion


%TIME converts the value of the expression from character, numeric, or timestamp data to type time. The converted value remains unchanged, but is returned as a time.
  • The first parameter is the value to be converted. If you do not specify a value, %TIME returns the current system time.
  • The second parameter is the time format for numeric or character input. Regardless of the input format, the output is returned in *ISO format.  
d $time_a         s              8a                              
d $time_n         s              6s 0 inz(121501)                
d $time_hms       s              8a   inz('16:23:01')            
d $time_usa       s              8a   inz('04:23 PM')            
       //Current Time in *ISO                                    
       $time_a = %char(%time():*ISO);                            
       dsply $time_a;                                            
       //Current Time in *HMS                                    
       $time_a = %char(%time():*HMS);                            
       dsply $time_a;                                            
       //Current Time in *USA                                    
       $time_a = %char(%time():*USA);                            
       dsply $time_a;                                            
       //Numeric Time to *ISO                                    
       $time_a = %char(%time($time_n):*ISO);                     
       dsply $time_a;                                            
       //Numeric Time to *HMS                        
       $time_a = %char(%time($time_n):*HMS);         
       dsply $time_a;                                
       //Numeric Time to *USA                        
       $time_a = %char(%time($time_n):*USA);         
       dsply $time_a;                                
       //*HMS to *ISO                                
       $time_a = %char(%time($time_hms:*hms):*ISO);  
       dsply $time_a;                                
       //*HMS to *USA                                
       $time_a = %char(%time($time_hms:*hms):*USA);  
       dsply $time_a;                                
       //*USA to *ISO                                
       $time_a = %char(%time($time_usa:*usa):*ISO);  
       dsply $time_a;                                
       //*USA to *HMS                                
       $time_a = %char(%time($time_usa:*usa):*HMS);  
       dsply $time_a;  
       //Add Hours                                                       
       $time_a = %char((%time($time_usa:*usa) + %hours(2)):*HMS);        
       dsply $time_a;                                                    
       //Add Minutes                                                     
       $time_a = %char((%time($time_usa:*usa) + %minutes(10)):*HMS);     
       dsply $time_a;                                                    
       //Add Seconds                                                     
       $time_a = %char((%time($time_usa:*usa) + %seconds(15)):*HMS);     
       dsply $time_a;                                                    
       //Substract Hours                                                 
       $time_a = %char((%time($time_usa:*usa) + %hours(-2)):*HMS);       
       dsply $time_a;                                                    
       //Substract Minutes                                               
       $time_a = %char((%time($time_usa:*usa) + %minutes(-10)):*HMS);    
       dsply $time_a;                                                    
       //Substract Seconds                                               
       $time_a = %char((%time($time_usa:*usa) + %seconds(-15)):*HMS);    
       dsply $time_a;                                                    

c                   eval      *inlr = *on  

Time formats and separators for Time data type

RPG Format Name Description Format (Default Separator) Valid Separators Length Example
*HMS Hours:Minutes:Seconds hh:mm:ss : . , & 8 14:00:00
*ISO International Standards Organization hh.mm.ss . 8 14.00.00
*USA IBM USA Standard. AM and PM can be any mix of upper and lower case. hh:mm AM or hh:mm PM : 8 02:00 PM
*EUR IBM European Standard hh.mm.ss . 8 14.00.00
*JIS Japanese Industrial Standard Christian Era hh:mm:ss : 8 14:00:00

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