RPGLE FTP - Get, Put, Delete check for successful transmission Part 2

First create two empty source members in a source physical file that will be used during FTP . Make sure the library of the source physical file is in your library list.
Click here to read this Tutorial from beginning

Member    Type  Text
FTP_IN    TXT   FTP Input file
FTP_OUT   TXT   FTP Output file

Now we need to override these files either in a CL or RPGLE program before using them in FTP.


Now your sample code for the RPGLE program doing the FTP

finput     uf a e             disk    rename(src:i_rec)   
f                                     usropn                 
foutput    if a e             disk    rename(src:o_rec)   
f                                     usropn     

 *Date/Time Stamps                                                       
d                 ds                                                     
d @DateTime                       z                                      
d  @DteStmp                       d   overlay(@DateTime : 1)             
d  @TimStmp                       t   overlay(@DateTime : 12)            
 *   Execute A Command                                                   
d ExcCmd          PR                  ExtPgm('QCMDEXC')                  
d  Cmd_Str                     512a   Options(*VARSIZE)                  
d                                     Const                              
d  Cmd_Len                      15p 5 Const                              

d $date           s             10a     
d $time           s             10a     
d @CmdStr         s            512a   inz           
d @Apostr         s              1a   inz(X'7D')     
//Open the input file
c                   open      input     

//Delete any data that may be there from previous run
c                   dou       %eof(input)           
c                   read      input                 
c                   if        %eof(input)           
c                   leave                           
c                   endif                           
c                   delete    i_rec                 
c                   enddo             

//First we write the Userid and Password
c                   eval      srcdta = %trim($userid) + ' ' +        
c                                      %trim($password)                 
c                   write     i_rec                       

//In case we need to set the NAMEFMT
c                   eval      srcdta = 'namefmt 1'  
c                   write     i_rec                 

//Set remote directory
c                   eval      srcdta = 'cd ' + %trim($remote_dir_path)  
c                   write     i_rec                             
//Set local directory
c                   eval      srcdta = 'lcd ' + %trim($local_dir_path)     
c                   write     i_rec                                

//Put the file
c                   eval      srcdta = 'put ' + %trim($file_name)   
c                   write     i_rec                                

//Put the file in a different name
c                   eval      srcdta = 'put ' + %trim($from_file_name)  + ' ' +
c                    %trim($to_file_name)
c                   write     i_rec           

//Get the file                   
c                   eval      srcdta = 'get ' + %trim($file_name)   
c                   write     i_rec                                

//Get the file in a different name
c                   eval      srcdta = 'get' + %trim($from_file_name)  + ' ' +
c                    %trim($to_file_name)
c                   write     i_rec    

//Get the file in a different name but it already exists
c                   eval      srcdta = 'put ' + %trim($from_file_name)  + ' ' +
c                    %trim($to_file_name) + ' (replace'
c                   write     i_rec    

//Delete a file on the remote system
c                   eval      srcdta = 'delete ' + $file_name 
c                   write     i_rec
//Quit ftp
c                   eval      srcdta = 'quit'                   
c                   write     i_rec                

//Close the input file
c                   close     input                                          

//Tag your file in the FTP response or outfile file for easy lookup – not necessary
//Get time stamp                                                                             
c                   time                    @datetime                        
c                   move      @DteStmp      $date                            
c                   move      @TimStmp      $time  

// Open Output file                        
c                   open      output              

//Write file name with date and time                         
c                   eval      srcdta = '--->'                                 
c                   write     o_rec                                           
c                   eval      srcdta = 'FTP for file ' + %trim($file_name)+  
c                                      ' starting at ' + $date + $time       
c                   write     o_rec 

//Close the output file                                        
c                   close     output                        

//FTP to remote system
c                   eval      @CmdStr = 'FTP RMTSYS(' + @Apostr +           
c                                        %Trim($hostname or IP address) + @Apostr + ')'     
c                   callp     ExcCmd(%Trim(@CmdStr) :                       
c                                   %Len(%Trim(@CmdStr)))    

//All done

Click here for next Chapter

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