//Create the library from the command line CRTLIB LIB(SQLDEMO) ADDLIBLE LIB(SQLDEMO) //Start SQL Interactive Session (STRSQL) CREATE TABLE SQLDEMO/OTABLE ( O1ITEM CHAR (10 ) NOT NULL, O1DESC CHAR (50 ) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT, O1QTY DEC (9,0) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT, O1PRICE DEC (11,2) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT, O1DISC DEC (5,2) NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT) //Insert some data into the Order Table INSERT INTO SQLDEMO/OTABLE VALUES('A001', 'A Item Description', 1, 11.11, 10.0) INSERT INTO SQLDEMO/OTABLE VALUES('A002', 'B Item Description', 2, 22.22, 0.0) INSERT INTO SQLDEMO/OTABLE VALUES('C002', 'C Item Description', 3, 33.33, 15.0) //Query the table to see your data SELECT * FROM SQLDEMO/OTABLE O1ITEM O1DESC O1QTY O1PRICE O1DISC A001 A Item Description 1 11.11 10.00 A002 B Item Description 2 22.22 .00 C002 C Item Description 3 33.33 15.00
Now let's create a function that can give us the item detail price extension basically taking the discount off the price and then multiply that by quantity ordered. The function needs 3 inputs quantity, price and discount and its going to return the extended price.
//Extended Price User define SQL function Create Function SQLDEMO/EXTPRICE( qty dec(9,0), price dec(11,2), discount dec(5,2)) returns dec(11,2) language SQL BEGIN return( qty * (price * cast((1 - discount/100) as dec(11,2)))); END //Our new Query Select O1ITEM, O1DESC, EXTPRICE(O1QTY,O1PRICE,O1DISC) from OTABLE O1ITEM O1DESC EXTPRICE A001 A Item Description 9.99 A002 B Item Description 44.44 C002 C Item Description 84.99
Well SQL is very powerful and you can create a lot of custom function like above but what if you are more comfortable writing them in RPGLE or you already have programs that do more complex logic and you would like to leverage the existing code base. In the next example we are going to recreate the exact same function but using RPGLE as the programming language.
RPGLE source to create Extended price subprocedure
*Service Program for User Defined SQL functions h option(*nodebugio) d extPrice PR 11p 2 ExtProc('EXTPRICE') d qty 9p 0 const d price 11p 2 const d discount 5p 2 const c move *on *inlr c return P extPrice B export d extPrice PI 11p 2 d qty 9p 0 const d price 11p 2 const d discount 5p 2 const d $extPrice s 11p 2 /free //you can do complex routines here such as reading files, //calling other programs, etc. $extPrice = qty * (price * (1 - discount * .01)); return $extPrice; /end-free P E
Next we have to create the Module and then the Service program. Also before we recreate our SQL function again delete the previous one that we created.
Create the User Define SQL function
Create Function SQLDEMO/EXTPRICE( qty dec(9,0), price dec(11,2), discount dec(5,2)) returns dec(11,2) language RPGLE deterministic no SQL external name 'SQLDEMO/MYSERVICE(EXTPRICE)' parameter style GENERAL program type SUB
Run the exact same query as we did before and check the results.
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