RPGLE find Calling program name on iSeries using QWVRCSTK API

We can always pass the program name from the calling program to the called program but what if we never did and would like to find out who is calling this program. You may want to do this so that you can program some logic based on the caller or avoid recursive calls to the same program or just to debug an ongoing issue. Whatever may be your reason it always handy to have that called program name without having to modify all the programs that are calling it by adding parms to the call list. It could be a database trigger program that may want to find out which program just did the update or insert. Well the way to do that is using the IBM API QWVRCSTK which returns the call stack information for the specified thread. The first call stack entry returned corresponds to the most recent call in the thread. Here is a sample program on how to use this API to find the calling program name.
h option(*nodebugio : *srcstmt)                              
 *  Program Information                                      
d ProgStatus     sds                                         
d  Parms            *PARMS                                   
d  ProgName         *PROC                                    
d  ErrMsgID              40     46                           
d  ErrMsg                91    169                           
d  JobName              244    253                           
d  Userid               254    263                           
d  JobNumber            264    269                           
 *   Call Stack                                              
d FindCaller      PR                  Extpgm('QWVRCSTK')     
d                             2000a                          
d                               10I 0                        
d                                8a   CONST                  
d                               56a                          
d                                8a   CONST                  
d                               15a                          
 *  Call Stack Data                                          
d Var             DS          2000                           
d  BytAvl                       10I 0                    
d  BytRtn                       10I 0                    
d  Entries                      10I 0                    
d  Offset                       10I 0                    
d  EntryCount                   10I 0                    
 *  Call Stack Job Information                           
d JobIdInf        DS                                     
d  JIDQName                     26a   Inz('*')           
d  JIDIntID                     16a                      
d  JIDRes3                       2a   Inz(*loval)        
d  JIDThreadInd                 10I 0 Inz(1)             
d  JIDThread                     8a   Inz(*loval)        
 *  Call Stack Program Names                             
d Entry           DS           256                       
d  EntryLen                     10I 0                    
d  ReqstLvl                     10I 0 Overlay(Entry:21)  
d  PgmNam                       10a   Overlay(Entry:25)  
d  PgmLib                       10a   Overlay(Entry:35)  
d VarLen          s             10I 0 Inz(%size(Var))    
d ApiErr          s             15a                      
d Caller          s             50a                    
d WhoCalled       s             10a                    
d i               s             10I 0                  
   CallP     FindCaller(Var:VarLen:'CSTK0100':JobIdInf 
   For i = 1 to EntryCount;                            
      Entry = %subst(Var:Offset + 1);                  
      Caller = %trim(PgmLib) + '/' + %trim(PgmNam);    
      If (PgmNam <> ProgName and WhoCalled = *blanks); 
         WhoCalled = PgmNam;                           
      Offset = Offset + EntryLen;                      
   dsply WhoCalled;                                    
   *inlr = *on;                                        

Please note: If you are using an ILE program and making a dynamic call then you will see the same program name twice in the call stack. Dynamic calls to ILE programs always results in a PEP being placed on the call stack corresponding to the ILE HLL used for the module specified on the ENTMOD keyword of the CRTPGM command.

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