ExtJs 4 Tree Grid example with column headers, checkboxes and menu options using Java Servlet, JSON and MySQL - Part 2

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In the previous chapter we have created the index file, our application JavaScript file, the model for the Tree representation and the Tree Store that will get the data from Java Servlet in JSON format using AJAX request and keep them saved. Lets move forward with our application.

Tree panel that will display the Whole world dividing them into continents and various regions - CountryTree.js

Ext.define('MYTREE.view.CountryTree', {
    extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',
    alias: 'widget.countryTree',
    store: 'Countries',
    title: 'The whole world in a Tree Panel with Column Headers',
    height: 400,
    width: 800,
    padding: '5 5 5 5',
    useArrows: true,
    multiSelect: true,
    singleExpand: true,
    rootVisible: false,
    dockedItems: [{
        dock: 'bottom',
        items: [{
                    xtype : 'button',
                    text: 'Get all checked nodes',
                    action: 'getCheckedNodes'
    columns: [
                //treecolumn xtype tells the Grid which column will show the tree
                xtype: 'treecolumn', 
                text: 'Continents -> Regions -> Countries',
                flex: 2,
                sortable: true,
                dataIndex: 'text'
                text: 'Population',
                flex: 1,
                sortable: true,
                dataIndex: 'population',
                align: 'right'
                text: 'Surface Area',
                flex: 1,
                sortable: true,
                dataIndex: 'surfaceArea',
                align: 'right',
                text: 'Life Expectancy',
                flex: 1,
                sortable: true,
                dataIndex: 'lifeExpectancy',
                align: 'right'
                text: 'GNP',
                flex: 1,
                sortable: true,
                dataIndex: 'gnp',
                align: 'right',
                //templatecolumn helps us provide a custom template using tpl property
                xtype: 'templatecolumn',
                text: 'Capital',
                flex: 1,
                sortable: true,
                dataIndex: 'capital',
                tpl: '  {capital}'

Next we create the menus so that we can add, edit and delete a country - AddMenu.js and EditMenu.js

ExtJs 4 Tree Grid with checkboxes and menu options using Java Servlet, JSON and MySQL
ExtJs 4 Tree Grid with checkboxes and menu options using Java Servlet, JSON and MySQL
Ext.define('MYTREE.view.AddMenu', {
    extend: 'Ext.menu.Menu',
    alias: 'widget.addMenu',
    width: 120,

    initComponent: function() {
        var me = this;

        Ext.applyIf(me, {
            items: [
                    xtype: 'menuitem',
                    text: 'Add',
                    iconCls: 'icon-add'


Ext.define('MYTREE.view.EditMenu', {
    extend: 'Ext.menu.Menu',
    alias: 'widget.editMenu',
    width: 120,

    initComponent: function() {
        var me = this;

        Ext.applyIf(me, {
            items: [
                    xtype: 'menuitem',
                    text: 'Edit',
                    iconCls: 'icon-edit'
                    xtype: 'menuitem',
                    text: 'Delete',
                    iconCls: 'icon-delete',   


Now we need a Window that will display the country information when we click on the edit menu option so that we can make changes - CountryEdit.js

ExtJs 4 Tree Grid with checkboxes and menu options using Java Servlet, JSON and MySQL
Ext.define('MYTREE.view.CountryEdit', {
    extend: 'Ext.window.Window',
    alias : 'widget.countryEdit',
    addMode : false,
    title : 'Country Information',
    layout: 'fit',
    //autoShow: true,

    initComponent: function() {
        this.items = this.buildItems();
        this.buttons = this.buildButtons();
    buildItems: function(){
        return [
                    xtype: 'form',
                    items: [
                            xtype: 'textfield',
                            itemId : 'code',
                            name : 'code',
                            allowBlank: false,
                            msgTarget: 'side',
                            fieldLabel: 'Country Code',
                            size: 5,
                            maxLength: 5
                            xtype: 'textfield',
                            name : 'text',
                            allowBlank: false,
                            msgTarget: 'side',
                            fieldLabel: 'Country Name',
                            size: 31,
                            maxLength: 30
                            xtype: 'textfield',
                            name : 'capital',
                            allowBlank: false,
                            msgTarget: 'side',
                            fieldLabel: 'Capital',
                            size: 31,
                            maxLength: 30
                            xtype: 'numberfield',
                            name : 'population',
                            value: 0,
                            minValue: 0,
                            fieldLabel: 'Population',
                            step: 1.00
                            xtype: 'numberfield',
                            name : 'surfaceArea',
                            value: 0,
                            minValue: 0,
                            fieldLabel: 'Surface Area',
                            step: 0.01
                            xtype: 'numberfield',
                            name : 'lifeExpectancy',
                            value: 0,
                            minValue: 0,
                            fieldLabel: 'Life Expectancy',
                            step: 0.01,
                            itemId : 'lifeExpectancy'
                            xtype: 'numberfield',
                            name : 'gnp',
                            value: 0,
                            minValue: 0,
                            fieldLabel: 'GNP',
                            step: 0.01,
                            itemId : 'gnp'
                             xtype: 'hiddenfield',
                             name : 'parentNodeId',
                             itemId : 'parentNodeId'
    buildButtons: function(){
        return [
                    text: 'Save',
                    action: 'save'
                    text: 'Cancel',
                    scope: this,
                    handler: this.close

Now that we have created all our components its time to create the controller that will bind all these together and provide the functionality we need from this Tree panel - Countries.js

Ext.define('MYTREE.controller.Countries', {
            extend : 'Ext.app.Controller',

            //define the stores
            stores : ['Countries'],
            //define the models
            models : ['Country'],
            //define the views
            views : ['CountryTree', 'EditMenu', 'AddMenu', 'CountryEdit'],
            refs : [{
                        //reference to the country Tree
                        ref : 'myCountryTree',
                        selector : 'countryTree'
                    }, {
                        //reference to the country window
                        ref : 'myCountryWindow',
                        selector : 'countryEdit'

            init : function() {

                            'viewport' : {
                                render : this.onPanelRendered
                            //Tree events - click, checkbox change, node expand and right click
                            'countryTree' : {
                                itemclick : this.treeItemClick,
                                checkchange : this.treeCheckChange,
                                itemexpand : this.treeNodeExpand,
                                itemcontextmenu : this.treeRightClick
                            //get all checked noded button
                            'countryTree button[action=getCheckedNodes]' : {
                                click : this.getAllCheckedNodes
                            //edit a country
                            'editMenu menuitem[text=Edit]' : {
                                click : this.editCountry
                            //delete a country
                            'editMenu menuitem[text=Delete]' : {
                                click : this.deleteCountry
                            //add a country 
                            'addMenu menuitem[text=Add]' : {
                                click : this.addCountry
                            //save country info from the edit window
                            'countryEdit button[action=save]' : {
                                click : this.saveCountry

            onPanelRendered : function() {
                //just a console log to show when the panel is rendered
                console.log('The panel was rendered');

            treeItemClick : function(view, record) {
                //some node in the tree was clicked
                //you have now access to the node record and the tree view
                console.log('Clicked on a Tree Node!\n' + 'Node id: '
                        + record.get('id') + '\n' + 'Node Text: '
                        + record.get('text') + '\n' + 'Parent Node id: '
                        + record.get('parentId') + '\n' + 'Is it a leaf?: '
                        + record.get('leaf') + '\n' + 'No of Children: '
                        + record.childNodes.length);
                //now you have all the information about the node
                //Node id
                //Node Text
                //Parent Node
                //Is the node a leaf?
                //No of child nodes
                //go do some real world processing

            //event triggred when a node is checked or unchecked
            treeCheckChange : function(node, checked) {
                console.log('Checkbox clicked: Is it checked? ' + checked);
                console.log('Is the node loaded? ' + node.isLoaded());
                //loops thru all child nodes and check or uncheck 
                //based on the parent node that was clicked
                node.eachChild(function(childNode) {
                            childNode.set('checked', checked);
                            //keep going
                            this.treeCheckChange(childNode, checked);
                        }, this);

            //node expand event 
            treeNodeExpand : function(node) {
                console.log('Expanded Node: How many children? '
                        + node.childNodes.length);

            //get all nodes that are checked in the Tree panel
            getAllCheckedNodes : function(button) {
                selectedNodes = this.getMyCountryTree().getChecked();
                console.log('List of Selected Nodes:\n');
                Ext.Array.each(selectedNodes, function(record) {
                            console.log('Node:' + record.get('id') + ' Text:'
                                    + record.get('text') + '\n');

            //display the context menu
            treeRightClick : function(view, record, item, index, e) {
                //stop the default action
                //save the current selected record
                this.application.currentRecord = record;
                //if the node is a region let user add a country
                if (record.get('depth') === 2) {
                    addMenu = Ext.widget('addMenu');
                //if the node is country let the user edit or delete
                if (record.get('depth') === 3) {
                    editMenu = Ext.widget('editMenu');
                return false;

            //edit the country
            editCountry : function(item, e) {
                //get reference to the window for editing
                countryWindow = this.getMyCountryWindow();
                //create the window for editing if it doesn't exist
                    countryWindow = Ext.widget('countryEdit');
                //load the record into the form
                //get the Country code field in the form and protect it
                //set the parent node id in the hidden field
                //display the window       

            addCountry : function(item, e) {
                //get reference to the window for editing
                countryWindow = this.getMyCountryWindow();
                //create the window for editing if it doesn't exist
                    countryWindow = Ext.widget('countryEdit');
                //set to Add mode
                countryWindow.addMode = true;
                //load blank record into the form
                blankCountry = new MYTREE.model.Country();
                //get the Country code field in the form and unprotect it
                //set the current node as parent node id in the hidden field
                //display the window

            //delete a country
            deleteCountry : function(item, e) {
                //set action as delete
                type = 'delete';
                //node is the parent node id
                node = this.application.currentRecord.parentNode.get('id');
                //data is the current node id
                data = this.application.currentRecord.get('id');
                //send the request to the server
                this.sendMyRequest(type, node, data);

            //save the country information from the editing window
            saveCountry : function(button) {
                //get access to the window using the button reference
                var win = button.up('window');
                //get access to the form using the window reference
                form = win.down('form');

                //check if the form passed all validations
                if (form.getForm().isValid()) {
                    //if there are no errors then send the Add request to server
                    countryWindow = this.getMyCountryWindow();
                    //set the action based on window mode
                        type = 'add';
                        type = 'edit';
                    //get parent node from the hidden field
                    node = form.getComponent('parentNodeId').getValue();
                    //encode the form values to a JSON object
                    data = Ext.encode(form.getValues());
                    //send the request to server
                    this.sendMyRequest(type, node, data);
                    //close the window

            //sending the add, edit and delete transactions to server
            sendMyRequest: function(type, node, data){
                //create an AJAX request
                    url : 'CountryServlet',
                    params : {
                        action: type,
                        parentNodeId: node, 
                        myData: data
                    scope : this,
                    //method to call when the request is successful
                    success : this.onSaveSuccess,
                    //method to call when the request is a failure
                    failure : this.onSaveFailure
            onSaveFailure : function(err) {
                //Alert the user about communication error
                Ext.MessageBox.alert('Status', 'Error occured during Item Add');

            onSaveSuccess : function(response, opts) {
                //Alert the user about communication error
                if(opts.params.action === 'edit'){
                    Ext.MessageBox.alert('Status', 'Country Updated!');
                if(opts.params.action === 'add'){
                    Ext.MessageBox.alert('Status', 'Country Added!');
                if(opts.params.action === 'delete'){
                    Ext.MessageBox.alert('Status', 'Country Deleted!');
                //get refernce to the node that needs to be reloaded to match data with the server
                refreshNode = this.getCountriesStore().getNodeById(opts.params.parentNodeId);
                //unnecessary but required here due to an ExtJS bug
                //refresh(reload) the node 
                    node : refreshNode


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