Looked all over the internet and spent quite a bit of time looking for a solution. So here is what I found and with some small tweaks it worked out great.
Manual grid cell Validation
//get a reference to your grid based on where this code is getting called from //In the code below it assumes that grid is your grid reference store = grid.getStore(); view = grid.getView(); error = false; columnLength = grid.columns.length; store.each(function(record,idx){ for (var i = 0; i < columnLength; i++) { cell = view.getCellByPosition({row: idx, column: i}); cell.removeCls("x-form-invalid-field"); cell.set({'data-errorqtip': ''}); fieldName = grid.columns[i].dataIndex; if (fieldName === 'WHATEVER') { //Do your validation here if(failed) { cell.addCls("x-form-invalid-field"); cell.set({'data-errorqtip': 'Your error message qtip'}); error = true; } } } });
Record validation using Model's built-in support
You can manually code for the validations as shown above or use the Model's built-in support for validations, which are executed against the validator functions in Ext.data.validations. Validations are easy to add to models:Ext.define('ERRORS.model.Customer', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', fields: [ 'customerId', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'email', {name: 'active', type: 'bool'} ], validations: [ {type: 'presence', field: 'firstName'}, {type: 'presence', field: 'lastName'}, {type: 'presence', field: 'email'} ] }); var errors = record.validate(); errors.isValid(); //true or false based on if there are errors errors.length; //number of errors errors.getByField('firstName'); // [{field: 'firstName', message: 'must be present'}] errors.getByField('email'); // [{field: 'email', message: 'must be present'}]
Now you can get the errors by specific field names and display them in qtip as shown above in the grid and also change the cell style to indicate that there is an error.
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