//define the model Ext.define('COMBO.model.Country', { extend: 'Ext.data.Model', fields: [ 'code', 'name', 'continent', 'region', 'lifeExpectancy', 'gnp' ] }); //define the store Ext.define('COMBO.store.LocalCountries', { extend: 'Ext.data.Store', model: 'COMBO.model.Country', autoLoad: true, pageSize: 9999, proxy: { type: 'ajax', url: 'CountryServlet', reader: { type: 'json', root: 'countries', successProperty: 'success' }, }, listeners: { load: function () { //this sets the default value to USA after the store loads var combo = Ext.getCmp('countrySearchBox'); this.add(Ext.create('COMBO.model.Country', { code:'MARS', name:'MARS Country', continent: 'MARS', region: 'NORTH', lifeExpectancy: 9999, gnp: 99.99 }) ); combo.setValue("MARS"); } } });
All one can think and do in a short time is to think what one already knows and to do as one has always done!
ExtJs 4 add record to JSON store after loading data from server using Ajax Request
In the example below we have defined a model for country and have a JSON store for countries loaded using an Ajax request. After the JSON data is loaded from the server we add another record to the store.
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