In the previous post we have defined the Application(app.js), Model(Item.js), Store(Items.js), GridPanel(List.js) and Window for editing(Edit.js). In this chapter we are going to discuss the controller which is going to bind all the things together and make our application work. Before that lets see how our grid and the window looks like.
Step 9: Define the controller that will bind everything together - Items.js
Ext.define('IN.controller.Items', { extend : '', //define the stores stores : ['Items'], //define the models models : ['Item'], //define the views views : ['item.List', 'item.Edit', 'item.MyNumberField'], //special method that is called when your application boots init : function() { //control function makes it easy to listen to events on //your view classes and take some action with a handler function this.control({ //when the viewport is rendered 'viewport > panel' : { render : this.onPanelRendered }, //when you double click on the grid layout 'itemlist' : { itemdblclick : this.editItem }, //when you click in the grid toolbar Add button 'itemlist button[action=add]' : { click : this.addItem }, //when you click on the Edit window save button 'itemedit button[action=save]' : { click : this.updateItem } }); }, onPanelRendered : function() { //just a console log to show when the panel si rendered console.log('The panel was rendered'); }, addItem : function() { //create the window and set the mode to Add var view = Ext.widget('itemedit'); view.addMode = true; }, editItem : function(grid, record) { //create the window for editing //the double click on the row sends the grid row record var view = Ext.widget('itemedit'); //load the record into the form view.down('form').loadRecord(record); //get the Item Number field in the form and protect it view.down('form').getComponent('itemNumber').setReadOnly(true); }, updateItem : function(button) { //get access to the window using the button reference var win = button.up('window'); //get access to the form using the window reference form = win.down('form'); //Add an Item if(win.addMode){ //check if the form passed all validations if(form.getForm().isValid()){ //if there are no errors then send the Add request to server Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'ItemMaintenance', params: { company: 1, //this encodes the form values to a JSON object addData: Ext.encode(form.getValues()) }, scope:this, //method to call when the request is successful success: this.onSaveSuccess, //method to call when the request is a failure failure: this.onSaveFailure }); //close the window win.close(); } } else { //get reference to the record record = form.getRecord(); //get reference to the form values values = form.getValues(); //set the record with new values record.set(values); //close the window win.close(); //Ask the stote to sync the new data with the server this.getItemsStore().sync(); } }, onSaveFailure: function(err){ //Alert the user about communication error Ext.MessageBox.alert('Status', 'Error occured during Item Add'); }, onSaveSuccess: function(response){ //Alert the user about communication error Ext.MessageBox.alert('Status', 'Item successfully Added'); //load the store to get the new Item that was added this.getItemsStore().load(); } });
Now we need to work on the server side so that our ExtJs request can be processed!
Lets define the Java bean, JDBC connections to the database and our Servlet that will interact with the ExtJs application.
Step 10: Define the java bean -
package com.as400samplecode.util; public class Item { String status = null; String item = null; String desc1 = null; String desc2 = null; Double weight = null; public String getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } public String getItem() { return item; } public void setItem(String item) { this.item = item; } public String getDesc1() { return desc1; } public void setDesc1(String desc1) { this.desc1 = desc1; } public String getDesc2() { return desc2; } public void setDesc2(String desc2) { this.desc2 = desc2; } public Double getWeight() { return weight; } public void setWeight(Double weight) { this.weight = weight; } }
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