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XML-SAX Events
During the SAX parsing of your XML document, several XML events will be passed to your XML-SAX handling procedure. To identify the events within your procedure, use the special names starting with *XML, for example *XML_START_ELEMENT. For most events, the handling procedure will be passed a value associated with the event. For example, for the *XML_START_ELEMENT event, the value is the name of the XML element.
Event | Value |
1. Events discovered before the first XML element | |
*XML_START_DOCUMENT | Indicates that parsing has begun |
*XML_VERSION_INFO | The "version" value from the XML declaration |
*XML_ENCODING_DECL | The "encoding" value from the XML declaration |
*XML_STANDALONE_DECL | The "standalone" value from the XML declaration |
*XML_DOCTYPE_DECL | The value of the Document Type Declaration |
2. Events related to XML elements | |
*XML_START_ELEMENT | The name of the XML element that is starting |
*XML_CHARS | The value of the XML element |
*XML_PREDEF_REF | The value of a predefined reference |
*XML_UCS2_REF | The value of a UCS-2 reference |
*XML_UNKNOWN_REF | The name of an unknown entity reference |
*XML_END_ELEMENT | The name of the XML element that is ending |
3. Events related to XML attributes | |
*XML_ATTR_NAME | The name of the attribute |
*XML_ATTR_CHARS | The value of the attribute |
*XML_ATTR_PREDEF_REF | The value of a predefined reference |
*XML_ATTR_UCS2_REF | The value of a UCS-2 reference |
*XML_UNKNOWN_ATTR_REF | The name of an unknown entity reference |
*XML_END_ATTR | Indicates the end of the attribute |
4. Events related to XML processing instructions | |
*XML_PI_TARGET | The name of the target |
*XML_PI_DATA | The value of the data |
5. Events related to XML CDATA sections | |
*XML_START_CDATA | The beginning of the CDATA section |
*XML_CHARS | The value of the CDATA section |
*XML_END_CDATA | The end of the CDATA section |
6. Other events | |
*XML_COMMENT | The value of the XML comment |
*XML_EXCEPTION | Indicates that the parser discovered an error |
*XML_END_DOCUMENT | Indicates that parsing has ended |
Read IBM document for more details
Demonstration of Events and Data
The first time you see it, it can be hard to understand the flow of events created by XML-SAX. Therefore use the following program that prints out each event as it occurs. You can step through this program in debug and see which events occur at which times. Or you can simply look at the printout it creates, which lists the events that occurred.H DFTACTGRP(*NO) FQSYSPRT O F 132 PRINTER D PrintMe ds qualified D name 21a D data 111a D XML_Event_Name PR 20A varying D event 10i 0 value D xmlHandler PR 10i 0 D ignore 1a D event 10i 0 value D string * value D stringLen 20i 0 value D exceptionId 10i 0 value D XML s 500a varying D ignoreMe s 1a /free XML = '<xmlTest>+ <name type="author">AS400 Sample Code/name>+ </xmlTest>'; xml-sax %handler(xmlHandler: ignoreMe) %XML(XML: 'doc=string'); *inlr = *on; /end-free P xmlHandler B D xmlHandler PI 10i 0 D ignore 1a D event 10i 0 value D string * value D stringLen 20i 0 value D exceptionId 10i 0 value D value s 65535a based(String) D ucs2val s 16363c based(String) D dspstr s 52a /free = XML_Event_Name(event); = *blanks; select; when string=*null or stringlen<1; // no string given... when stringlen>%size(value); = '** string length invalid'; other; = %subst(value:1:stringlen); endsl; write QSYSPRT PrintMe; return 0; /end-free P E *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * Retrieve the event name for a given event number. *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ P XML_Event_Name B D XML_Event_Name PI 20A varying D event 10i 0 value /free select; when event = *XML_START_DOCUMENT; return 'XML_START_DOCUMENT'; when event = *XML_VERSION_INFO; return 'XML_VERSION_INFO'; when event = *XML_ENCODING_DECL; return 'XML_ENCODING_DECL'; when event = *XML_STANDALONE_DECL; return 'XML_STANDALONE_DECL'; when event = *XML_DOCTYPE_DECL; return 'XML_DOCTYPE_DECL'; when event = *XML_START_ELEMENT; return 'XML_START_ELEMENT'; when event = *XML_CHARS; return 'XML_CHARS'; when event = *XML_PREDEF_REF; return 'XML_PREDEF_REF'; when event = *XML_UCS2_REF; return 'XML_UCS2_REF'; when event = *XML_UNKNOWN_REF; return 'XML_UNKNOWN_REF'; when event = *XML_END_ELEMENT; return 'XML_END_ELEMENT'; when event = *XML_ATTR_NAME; return 'XML_ATTR_NAME'; when event = *XML_ATTR_CHARS; return 'XML_ATTR_CHARS'; when event = *XML_ATTR_PREDEF_REF; return 'XML_ATTR_PREDEF_REF'; when event = *XML_ATTR_UCS2_REF; return 'XML_ATTR_UCS2_REF'; when event = *XML_UNKNOWN_ATTR_REF; return 'XML_UNKNOWN_ATTR_REF'; when event = *XML_END_ATTR; return 'XML_END_ATTR'; when event = *XML_PI_TARGET; return 'XML_PI_TARGET'; when event = *XML_PI_DATA; return 'XML_PI_DATA'; when event = *XML_START_CDATA; return 'XML_START_CDATA'; when event = *XML_END_CDATA; return 'XML_END_CDATA'; when event = *XML_COMMENT; return 'XML_COMMENT'; when event = *XML_EXCEPTION; return 'XML_EXCEPTION'; when event = *XML_END_DOCUMENT; return 'XML_END_DOCUMENT'; other; return 'UNKNOWN EVENT'; endsl; /end-free P E
Note: It's important to understand that each time XML-SAX finds an event, it identifies the event by passing a number to your procedure. For example, each time the start of an XML element (often called "tag") is found, your handler is called with event=21. The 21 symbolizes the start of an XML element. RPG provides a named constant for each event number. In this example, *XML_START_ELEMENT is a named constant that has a value of 21. When you see code that says "if event = *XML_START_ELEMENT" it's equivalent to (but more self-documenting than) code that says "if event = 21."
In the preceding code, the XML_Event_Name() subprocedure returns a symbolic name for each event so you can print out which event has occurred. The rest of the code prints the data that was passed from XML-SAX to the handler procedure.When you run the preceding code, it will create a spooled file that contains the following:
By all means, give it a try. While you're at it, try the following:
- Try changing the XML string to different XML values and see what happens.
- Try putting an invalid XML document into the XML string, and notice how exceptions work.
- Try changing the XML-SAX opcode so that it reads data from an XML file in the IFS instead of a string in your program.
XML = '/home/as400/SampleData.xml';
xml-sax %handler(xmlHandler: ignoreMe)
%XML(XML: 'doc=file');
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