iSeries IFS Directory Listing using Qshell Command and C API's opendir(), readdir() and closedir()
Using the Qshell command ls
Start the Qshell
- Type QSH press ENTER on command line
- cd /dir
- ls
- Type command -h
- ls –ltra
- 'a' means 'all', do not hide the directory entries starting with '.'
- 'l' means 'long', show all the details about each entry
- 't' means sort by modification time
- 'r' means reverse order for the sort. Effectively, the latest entries will be the last ones in the listing, which is practical for reading.
CL Program using Shell command ls to dump directory listing to a file
PGM CD DIR('/myxml/data') CRTPF FILE($library/ifsdir) RCDLEN(128) STRQSH CMD('ls -lt *.* > + /qsys.lib/$library.lib/ifsdir.file/ifsdir.mbr') ENDPGM
Sample output the above program
000001 ----rwx--- 1 VAI 0 1216 May 26 19:24 Order.xml 000002 -rwx------ 1 VAI 0 231 May 7 16:14 odetl.csv 000003 -rwx------ 1 VAI 0 106 May 7 16:14 ohead.csv
Sample RPGLE program using C APIs
The opendir() API is similar in some ways to the open() API. It accepts a parameter that tells the name of a directory to open, and it returns a handle that can be used to read through that directory. Here is the C-language prototype for the opendir() API:
DIR *opendir(const char *dirname)
Once the directory has been opened, we will want to read it's contents. This is accomplished using the readdir() "Read Directory" API. Here is the C language prototype for the readdir() API:
struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dirp)
When we're done reading the directory, we need to close it. To do that, we will call the Close Directory API, closedir(). Here's the C prototypes for closedir():
int closedir(DIR *dirp)
H DFTACTGRP(*NO) ACTGRP(*NEW) BNDDIR('QC2LE') D/copy *libl/QRPGLESRC,IFSIO_H D/copy *libl/QRPGLESRC,ERRNO_H D dir s * D Msg S 52A D die PR 1N D msg 256A const D EscErrno PR 1N D errnum 10i 0 value c eval dir = opendir('/Vai_Java') c if dir = *NULL c callp die('opendir(): '+%str(strerror(errno))) c endif c eval p_dirent = readdir(dir) c dow p_dirent <> *NULL c eval Msg = %subst(d_name:1:d_namelen) c msg dsply c eval p_dirent = readdir(dir) c enddo c callp closedir(dir) c eval Msg = 'Press ENTER to end' c dsply Msg c eval *inlr = *on P die B D die PI 1N D msg 256A const D QMHSNDPM PR ExtPgm('QMHSNDPM') D MessageID 7A Const D QualMsgF 20A Const D MsgData 256A Const D MsgDtaLen 10I 0 Const D MsgType 10A Const D CallStkEnt 10A Const D CallStkCnt 10I 0 Const D MessageKey 4A D ErrorCode 256A D dsEC DS D dsECBytesP 1 4I 0 inz(%size(dsEC)) D dsECBytesA 5 8I 0 inz(0) D dsECMsgID 9 15 D dsECReserv 16 16 D dsECMsgDta 17 256 D MsgLen S 10I 0 D TheKey S 4A c ' ' checkr msg MsgLen c if MsgLen<1 c return *off c endif c callp QMHSNDPM('CPF9897': 'QCPFMSG *LIBL': c Msg: MsgLen: '*ESCAPE': c '*': 3: TheKey: dsEC) c return *off P E P EscErrno B D EscErrno PI 1N D errnum 10i 0 value D QMHSNDPM PR ExtPgm('QMHSNDPM') D MessageID 7A Const D QualMsgF 20A Const D MsgData 1A Const D MsgDtaLen 10I 0 Const D MsgType 10A Const D CallStkEnt 10A Const D CallStkCnt 10I 0 Const D MessageKey 4A D ErrorCode 256A D dsEC DS D dsECBytesP 1 4I 0 inz(%size(dsEC)) D dsECBytesA 5 8I 0 inz(0) D dsECMsgID 9 15 D dsECReserv 16 16 D dsECMsgDta 17 256 D TheKey S 4A D MsgID S 7A c move errnum MsgID c movel 'CPE' MsgID c callp QMHSNDPM(MsgID: 'QCPFMSG *LIBL': c ' ': 0: '*ESCAPE': c '*': 3: TheKey: dsEC) c return *off P E C/define ERRNO_LOAD_PROCEDURE C/copy *libl/QRPGLESRC,ERRNO_H
Source for ERRNO_H
Source for IFSIO_H
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