In case of namefmt 0
- get {library}/{save_file_name}.savf {save_file_name}.savf (replace
- get /qsys.lib/{library}.lib/{save_file_name}.savf {save_file_name}.savf (replace
Receive SAVE file from iSeries(AS400) to PC.
- ftp {Iseries System_name or host_name or IP Address}
- Enter {user_id}
- Enter {password}
- Enter bin
- get {library}/{save_file_name}.savf {save_file_name}.savf (replace
- quit
Sample PC output :
C:\Users\{user_id}\Downloads>ftp {Iseries System_name or host_name or IP Address} Connected to {host_name} 220-QTCP at {host_name} 220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes. User ( {user_id} 331 Enter password. Password: 230 {user_id} logged on. ftp> bin 200 Representation type is binary IMAGE. ftp> get {library}/{save_file_name}.savf {save_file_name}.savf (replace 200 PORT subcommand request successful. 150 Retrieving member SAVF in file {save_file_name} in library {library}. 226 File transfer completed successfully. ftp: 840576 bytes received in 3.56Seconds 236.18Kbytes/sec. ftp> quit 221 QUIT subcommand received.
Send SAVE file from PC to iSeries(AS400).
Make sure you create the SAVE file on the iSeries before you do it, FTP will push data into that. If you don't create the file it will get created but may not be a save file.- ftp {Iseries System_name or host_name or IP Address}
- Enter {user_id}
- Enter {password}
- Enter bin
- put {save_file_name}.savf {library}/{save_file_name}.savf
- quit
Sample PC output :
C:\Users\{user_id}\Downloads>ftp {Iseries System_name or host_name or IP Address} Connected to {host_name} 220-QTCP at {host_name} 220 Connection will close if idle more than 5 minutes. User ( {user_id} 331 Enter password. Password: 230 {user_id} logged on. ftp> bin 200 Representation type is binary IMAGE. ftp> put {save_file_name}.savf {library}/{save_file_name}.savf 200 PORT subcommand request successful. 150 Sending file to member SAVF in file {save_file_name} in library {library}. 226 File transfer completed successfully. ftp: 840576 bytes sent in 3.68Seconds 228.17Kbytes/sec. ftp> quit 221 QUIT subcommand received.
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