ExtJs 4 XML Tree view example

How to build a Tree view using XML data from Java Servlet and MySQL database? A tree structure is a way of representing the hierarchical nature of a structure in a graphical form. It is named a "tree structure" because the classic representation resembles a tree, even though the chart is generally upside down compared to an actual tree, with the "root" at the top and the "leaves" at the bottom.

Tree view using XML data from Java Servlet and MySQL


A node is a structure which may contain a value, a condition, or represent a separate data structure (which could be a tree of its own). Each node in a tree has zero or more child nodes, which are below it in the tree (by convention, trees are drawn growing downwards). A node that has a child is called the child's parent node (or ancestor node, or superior). A node has at most one parent.

An internal node (also known as an inner node or branch node) is any node of a tree that has child nodes. Similarly, an external node (also known as an outer node, leaf node, or terminal node) is any node that does not have child nodes.

The topmost node in a tree is called the root node. XML documents have a hierarchical structure and can conceptually be interpreted as a tree structure, called an XML tree. The following example creates a Tree view using XML data loaded asynchronously from Java Servlet and then presented using the ExtJs Javascript framework Ext.tree.Panel

Tree view using XML data from Java Servlet and MySQL

Application starting point index.html

    <title>Tree view using XML data from Java Servlet and MySQL</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="extjs/resources/css/ext-all.css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="extjs/ext-all-debug.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="app.js"></script>


Application JavaScript file app.js

    enabled: true 


    name: 'TR',
    appFolder: 'app',
    controllers: [

    launch: function() {
        Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
            items: [
                    xtype: 'label',
                    html: '<b>ExtJs 4 XML Tree Panel Example</b>'
                    xtype: 'countryTree',

JavaScript source file for the Tree Store Countries.js

Ext.define('TR.store.Countries', {
    extend: 'Ext.data.TreeStore',
    proxy: {
        type: 'ajax',
        url: 'CountryServlet',
        extraParams: {
            isXml: true
        reader: {
            type: 'xml',
            root: 'CountryData',
            record: 'Record'
    sorters: [{
        property: 'leaf',
        direction: 'ASC'
        property: 'text',
        direction: 'ASC'
    root: {
        text: 'Tree display of Countries',
        id: 'myTree',
        expanded: true
    folderSort: true

JavaScript source file for the Tree Panel View CountryTree.js

Ext.define('TR.view.CountryTree', {
    extend: 'Ext.tree.Panel',
    alias: 'widget.countryTree',
    store: 'Countries',
    viewConfig: {
        plugins: {
            ptype: 'treeviewdragdrop'
    height: 600,
    width: 400,
    useArrows: true,
    dockedItems: [{
        xtype: 'toolbar',
        items: [{
            text: 'Expand All',
        }, {
            text: 'Collapse All',

JavaScript source file for the application controller Countries.js

Ext.define('TR.controller.Countries', {
            extend : 'Ext.app.Controller',

            //define the stores
            stores : ['Countries'],
            //define the models
            models : [],
            //define the views
            views : ['CountryTree'],
            refs: [{
                    ref: 'myCountryTree', 
                    selector: 'countryTree'
            init : function() {
                    'viewport' : {
                        render : this.onPanelRendered
                    'countryTree button[text=Expand All]' : {
                        click : this.expandAll   
                    'countryTree button[text=Collapse All]' : {
                        click : this.collapseAll   
                    'countryTree' : {
                        itemclick : this.treeItemClick,   
                        itemappend : this.treeItemAppend,
                        iteminsert : this.treeItemInsert,
                        itemremove : this.treeItemRemove,
                        itemmove : this.treeItemMove,
                        beforeiteminsert: this.treeBeforeItemInsert

            onPanelRendered : function() {
                //just a console log to show when the panel si rendered
                console.log('The panel was rendered');
            expandAll : function() {
                //expand all the Tree Nodes
                var myTree = this.getMyCountryTree();
            collapseAll : function() {
                //expand all the Tree Nodes
                var myTree = this.getMyCountryTree();
            treeItemClick : function(view, record) {
                //some node in the tree was clicked
                //you have now access to the node record and the tree view
                Ext.Msg.alert('Clicked on a Tree Node', 
                    'Node id: ' + record.get('id') + '\n' +
                    'Node Text: ' + record.get('text') + '\n' +
                    'Parent Node id: ' + record.get('parentId') + '\n' +
                    'Is it a leaf?: ' + record.get('leaf') + '\n' +
                    'No of Children: ' + record.childNodes.length
                //now you have all the information about the node
                //Node id
                //Node Text
                //Parent Node
                //Is the node a leaf?
                //No of child nodes
                //go do some real world processing
            treeItemAppend : function(object, node, index) {
                console.log('a new child node is appended');
            treeItemInsert : function(object, node, refNode) {
                console.log('a new child node is inserted');
            treeItemRemove : function(object, node) {
                console.log('a child node is removed');
            treeItemMove : function(object, oldParent, newParent, index) {
                console.log('node is moved to a new location in the tree');
            treeBeforeItemInsert : function(object, node, refNode) {
                console.log('before a node is added to the tree');

Sample XML response from the Servlet

Tree view using XML data from Java Servlet and MySQL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<id>myTree/Europe/Nordic Countries/DNK</id>
<id>myTree/Europe/Nordic Countries/FIN</id>
<id>myTree/Europe/Nordic Countries/FRO</id>
<text>Faroe Islands</text>
<id>myTree/Europe/Nordic Countries/ISL</id>
<id>myTree/Europe/Nordic Countries/NOR</id>
<id>myTree/Europe/Nordic Countries/SJM</id>
<text>Svalbard and Jan Mayen</text>
<id>myTree/Europe/Nordic Countries/SWE</id>

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